Over 50% of UK adults put out food to help their garden birds, without this assistance without doubt even more species would be in decline

Providing birds with supplementary food will not only help the birds but it will bring them closer for you so you can watch their fascinating behaviour and see close hand some wonderful colours.

Feeding birds is a great way to enthuse children about wildlife.

Supplementary feeding should not and will not provide all the natural proteins and vitamins that adult and young birds need, its just as important to create areas in your garden to provide a source of natural foods. Well-managed lawns, shrubs and flowerbeds are great but leave overgrown areas.

If you provide natural feeding areas and put out extra food such as Wild Bird Mixes, you will find that your garden will attract different birds all year round.

Why not keep a list of what you see while you make your garden into a mini wildlife nature reserve.

starWhat you feed is very important, there is a huge range of products you can feed

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starFeeding some foods at the wrong time of year can do as much damage as good, lets help you.

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starInformation on the best way to feed in your garden to attract birds is available here. Let us help you

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