
The Mistle Thrush is a big, bold, aggressive bird, larger than a Blackbird and more fat-bellied, longer-tailed and smaller-headed than other thrushes. Its upperparts are paler, more grey-brown than on a Song Thrush and there are white edges to many of the wing feathers and the corners of the tail. The face is generally paler making the dark eye more prominent and giving a 'wide-eyed' expression.


Breeds in woods, parks, gardens and orchards. Also found in winter in fields and moorland edges.


A very early breeder, often in full song during the height of winter (in Britain). This tendency to sing in winter is because the adults defend winter territories, based on the presence of fruit-bearing plants, which provide a reliable source of food through the winter


A migrant in the north-east of its range, resident in the south and west. Migrating birds winter in Iberia, north Africa and other parts of south-eastern Europe.

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starWhat you feed is very important, there is a huge range of products you can feed

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starInformation on the best way to feed in your garden to attract birds is available here. Let us help you

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